convert to CMYK only
pdf /x 3
embed fonts
fit to page
create missing bleed
Super Resolution x4 for image lower than 225 ppi
2 pages only
convert to CMYK only
pdf /x 3
embed fonts
fit to page
2 pages only
16 colors, 100 polygons, min polygon size 20 pixels, max image size - 1000 pixels
32 colors, 500 polygons, min polygon size 20 pixels, max image size - 1000 pixels
32 colors, 5000 polygons, min polygon size 5 pixels, max image size - 1500 pixels
32 colors, 1000 polygons, min polygon size 10 pixels, max image size - 1500 pixels
PaintByNumbers Professional NCS 1950
32 colors, 1000 polygons, min polygon size 10 pixels, max image size - 1500 pixels